Emvita 08

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Emvita 8

 Emotional issues addressed: You desire connections and relationships, but have difficulty opening up and approaching others. You feel alone, not part of the group and not understood. You may have had a circumstance in life that makes you feel different from everyone else. You hesitate to embrace life and may isolate yourself from others and/or life. Feelings of isolation lead to unhappiness, indifference, lethargy, and inactiveness.

• Ammonium carbonicum C800
• Graphites LM16
• Chininum arsenicosum LM18
• California poppy D21
• Calcarea carbonica D21
• Pancreas suis D21
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
• alcohol
Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.
50 ml drops