Pascorenal® Forte NPN: 80007362

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Homeopathic Remedy

2 ml sip

Medicinal ingredients

1 ampoule (2 ml) contains:
Apis mellifica Ø 2.0mg
Atropa belladonna 2X 4.0mg
Cantharis 4X 4.0mg
Hydrargyrum bichloratum 6X 4.0mg

Dosage and administration

Adults, children ≥ 12 years: One ampoule each day or as directed by health care practitioner.


Contraindicated in people who are hypersensitive to bee venom.

Do not drink directly from vial due to the sharp glass edges. Consult a health care practitioner if you experience blood in the urine, fever, or sustained, unclear or new symptoms. In the absence of adequately documented experience, PASCORENAL® Forte should be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding only after consulting a health care practitioner. Do not use in children under 12 year of age before consulting a health care practitioner.

Side effects

Because this remedy contains Hydrargyrum bichloratum (mercury), patients may occasionally experience allergic reactions. Increased salivation may occur after the use of PASCORENAL® Forte. If this occurs, discontinue use.


None known.

How supplied

10 ampoules of 2ml.